How to keep your home safe while you’re on holiday

February 28, 2020

1. Make your house look occupied

An empty home can be an open invitation to burglars. The secret is not to draw their attention in the first place.

They’ll be looking for:

  • post piling up
  • deliveries sitting on the doorstep
  • an empty drive with no car outside
  • no lights on at night or lights that are obviously running on a timer
  • overgrown plants or a lawn that needs mowing
  • rubbish bins that haven’t been emptied or returned to their normal position after a collection.

To minimise the risks of a break in, give a trusted neighbour or friend a key and ask them to pop in from time to time. They can open and close the curtains, turn lights on and off, collect your mail and manage your bins – and if they can park their car in your drive too, even better.

It’s also helpful for someone to have a key in case of a leak or other emergency.

Make sure you cancel any regular deliveries, such as your daily newspaper or milk – and don’t order anything online that may arrive while you’re away.

If there’s no helpful neighbour to hand, Royal Mail offers a keepsafe service that will hold you mail for up to 100 days and deliver it to you once you’re home.

If you’re going away for a fortnight, the service will look after your post for 17 days for £18.50.


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2. Lock up

It may sound like a no-brainer, but you’d be amazed how many people leave a window open or door unlocked when they go away. It’s a mistake that could invaldate your insurance, as some policies will only cover burglary claims if there are signs of forced or violent entry.

  • Make sure all windows and doors are locked before you leave – with locks approved by your insurer.
  • Secure any garages, outbuildings and sheds.
  • Keep tools locked away so they can’t be used to break into your home. If you’ve no option but to leave a ladder outside, ensure it’s secured in a fixed location with a padlock and chain.

3. Hide your valuables

Keep your valuables, including computers and laptops, out of sight or lock them away if possible.

Having a fitted safe can be a good investment. Just make sure it’s fixed securely in place, as smaller models are an obvious target for thieves and easy to steal.

Burglar-proofing your door and doorframe | Networx

4. Get an alarm system

There are different types of burglar alarms available, making it easier to find one that suits your budget and the level of security you’re after.

Weigh the cost of the system against the value of your possessions and look for models accredited by either the National Security Inspectorate (NSI) or the Security System and Alarms Inspectorate Board (SSAIB).


5. Secure your doors

It’s not a quick pre-holiday fix, but upgrading your external doors can play a big part in securing your home. According to the Office for National Statistics, 70% of intruders who gain access to a private residence do so through the door.

The strongest doors are made of solid wood, or for a longer-lasting alternative, try a composite door that is made up of several different materials. It’s likely to be thicker than others on the market and could come with the latest locking mechanisms – just make sure it meets PAS 24 British Security Standards and has a Secured by Design accreditation.


If the composite option is too pricey, a uPVC version is a cheaper alternative and new models are likely to come with an anti-snap lock, as well as a multi-point locking system, to help keep intruders out.

It’s also a good idea to avoid glass panels or opt for reinforced glass, which will be harder to break. You can fit a letterbox guard too, which stops people looking inside or reaching in to steal keys from a nearby hook or shelf..

6. Don’t advertise your absence

Be careful what you post on social media. If you mention on your Facebook account that you’re jetting off, it could give potential thieves the green light to pop round. Leave posting photos and videos until your return.  Turning off the geotagging feature on your phone, which exposes your exact location where the picture was taken.

Similarly, talking about your forthcoming holiday in a local shop or public space – where you could easily be followed home – is best avoided.

7. Get the support of your community

For extra peace of mind, join a Neighbourhood Watch scheme, if there’s one in your area. If there isn’t, you could set one up. It doesn’t have to involve a lot of people – it could just cover your street.

8. Turn the water off

Keeping your home safe doesn’t just mean securing it against theft. Water damage can be just as costly – and even a small leak, left for a week or two, can have costly implications if it turns into a flood.

If you’re away for a while, turn off your water at your inside stop valve. You’ll find a helpful guide on the Thames Water website.

Before you go away, check your buildings insurance to make sure you’re covered for burst pipes and water leaks. Most policies include it as standard, but always read the small print.


9. Unplug electricals

Leaving gadgets charging or on stand-by uses electricity, so turning them off will save you money on your energy bill while you’re on holiday.

However, to reduce the risk of fire, go a step further and unplug everything you can at the wall – with the exception of the fridge/freezer, unless empty.

Before you go away, make sure your home insurance covers fire damage – and remember, most policies won’t cover your property if it’s left unoccupied for more than 30 consecutive days.

10. Going on an extended trip?

If you’re intending on staying away for longer than 30 days, you’ll need to tell your insurance provider, or your policy may be invalid.

For long trips, consider unoccupied property insurance, which could cover your home for longer periods against fire, flood and storm damage, vandalism and theft or attempted theft.


A couple more tips are to cut your grass before you leave and have a neighbor or friend park their car in your driveway. Remember, the goal is to make it look like someone is home.

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